What is... JUDAI AWARE?
Simply put, JUDAI AWARE represents a rebirth of Spiritual Consciousness for the Modern World. From the moment we wake up to the time we close our eyes and sleep, we are inundated by ceaseless sound, chaotic activity and a heightened sense of stress or pressure. Further more, with the proliferation of technology and the animation of our personal digital self, humanity is facing a new kind of interpersonal identity crises which is taking place on a global scale.
At the dinner table, people are choosing impersonal digital communication rather than personal human contact. Families schedule time together through online calendars, and emails have taken the place of handshakes and personal sit-downs. In the palm of their hand people have gained the power of “instant gratification” and along with that a profound sense of mastery over the world they inhabit. By loosing our humanity, people are choosing to embrace a dangerous path which if unchecked may create unheard of suffering for our children and those that come after us.
We have reached a turning point in our development as a people. Together we share a karmic responsibility to remember that we are more than our technology. We are in fact “Our Brothers Keeper.” We all share equal responsibility for the planet we inhabit and are entrusted to be its custodian and care taker.
The time is ripe for awakening on a global scale. Conscious awareness as well as a personal realigning of our lives purpose is just the beginning. Lasting awakening takes work, practice and patience as old habits must be broken and new ideas embraced. JUDAI AWARE is the conscious awakening of our spiritual nature which will allow the natural proliferation of technology and life to unfold in a harmonious and balanced way.
Being a teacher of Jewish Universalism, at times this newsletter as well as the practices discussed may have their origin from a Judaic Spiritual perspective, however the inner message and underlying spirit of this offering is universal. Religious affiliations, sexual orientations and political agendas aside, the time for awakening is now. The Path of JUDAI AWARE will endeavor to remind humanity that spiritual consciousness exists in every facet of our lives. Humbly I welcome you to practice and spread JUDAI AWARE together… for together we can make a difference.
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